Today is consolidation domination, as we have site news for both Days 1,951 and 1,952.

Let's begin.

First up, in While & After news, the blog entry "Out Of The Woods An Eighth Time, And Into A Movie Theater On Halloween!" has posted to the Sneak Leaks page, while the blog entry "Retroactively Overcoming Convolution, And Out Of The Woods A Seventh Time" has moved to Fresh At The Time.

And finally, nine more movies have all been enshrined into the Catch 22-Hundred page rankings. They are the following:

  • The Matrix Revolutions
  • Annie
  • Hacksaw Ridge
  • Max
  • Now You See It...
  • Another Time
  • Pride
  • We Have Always Lived In The Castle
  • Who's Your Caddy?

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.

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